Sargol Saffron
Sargol or croup saffron is the highest quality of saffron which is pure and contains the stigma without the style. It is all red filaments with some little broken pieces. Also this kind has a decent coloring capability and has a pleasant aroma. 105 kg of saffron flowers makes 1kg of Sargol Saffron .Most people consider good quality saffron that is completely red and has a nice aroma. For these people we recommend Sargol saffron.
We provide sargol or croup saffron from the highest quality of saffron from the main country of origin, Iran. All the threads have been hand-selected to contain only the red, or most flavorful, threads.

Pushal Saffron
Pushal or Mancha, is kind of saffron that contains the red stigmas along with parts of style (the stigmas with a 3-5mm style) cut in the beginning of the harvesting season. It contains some yellow parts from the style of the plant and higher floral waste. It is voluminous, so is very suitable for packing. 101kg of saffron flowers makes 1kg of pushal saffron. Floural waste is about 5-10% (m/m). Spanish name is Mancha.
We also provide sargol or croup saffron from the highest quality of saffron from the main country of origin, Iran. All the threads have been hand-selected to contain only the red, or most flavorful, threads.
Saffron Powder
Saffron can be used in two ways: powdered or threads. If your main goal in using saffron is to create the visual effect such as decorating your food, use threads.On the other hand, if you want to use saffron in such a way that is not obvious to the eye, then you can use powdered saffron. Do not buy powdered saffron, unless you trust your supplier. Because, it is very easy to adulterate powder saffron and you have no idea how pure it is, and powdered saffron has a short shelf life and loses flavor rapidly.
Powdered saffron is an easy-to-use version of saffron. Powdered saffron often has a dubious reputation, with many purists warning against purchasing it. While it is true that many powdered saffron products may be of poor quality, good-quality powdered saffron has many advantages and is well used among home cooks and chefs.
We provide the best quality Iranian powdered saffron.

Saffron Rock Candy
Saffron rock candy is another byproducts of saffron that can be added to tea. It makes the tea perfectly sweet and saffrony. Those little wooden dowels heavily encrusted with beautiful rock candy crystals to add to the tea and coffee.
Rock saffron candy or Persian saffron swizzle sticks known as Nabat. That’s probably not just a word! Kind of this candy that we provide, is not just flavored with Iranian saffron, but when it’s in swizzle stick form, it often sports whole threads. Used as stirring sticks, they imbue hot drinks with sweetness.
Saffron Dessert
Saffron Dessert is one of the healthiest and delicious desserts. Perfect Spring dessert, like a beautiful dream, lilting, mesmerising, smooth, perfect, like a dream you don’t want to wake up from. There’s something about saffron, something exotic, like a caress, light and beautiful! A tiny bit of this beautiful spice catapults a seemingly good dish into an extraordinary one. You would never sat so long over dessert … S L O W L Y is how we ate it, not wanting it to finish.
We can provide the best quality of saffrony dessert powder.

Saffron Cake Powder
Saffron Cake, is made from a rich saffron cake powder that is flavored with saffron and contains food dyes that enhance the natural yellow provided by saffron. The main ingredients are plain flour, butter, yeast, sugar, and saffron flavor.
This powder is mostly available and provided by Global Trade Pioneers Inc.